Friday 26 December 2008

Converses do not go with fishnet stockings

Most people would have owned a pair of Converses at some point in their lives. 

A few of us might still own a pair.

But that being said, the casual look does not do everyone justice... and just because... 

does not mean that you should end up wandering the streets dressed as below!!!! 

the "peekaboo" shorts beneath that long safari shirt, 
the sneakers with fishnet stockings, and a brown shoulder sling.

i am still not quite sure what to make of improvisations of Harujuku fashions on the sidewalks outside of Heeren.


Anonymous said...

i think if the fishnets are a bit closer spaced, it would look slightly better. but then again, it might look like tree trunks

shhhh said...

nothing wrong with converses actually... but like anon i agree maybe the fishnets too widely spaced... hmmmm...