Monday 12 January 2009

Mambo Jambo

there is a reason why zouk has mambo jambo nights on wednesdays ONLY.

like music, past memories can be nostalgic and bring back fond memories, but some things should best be left in the past.

leg warmers once so popular in the 80s, for example, are worn in winter... 

because even the above celebrities can't exactly pull it off without looking dowdy.

so why does one think that it should be worn in Singapore?!

for it definitely wasn't cold that night along the streets outside of Heeren on the 10th January 2009. 

but even so... leg warmers are the least of my concerns with the ever increasing salah (read: Erroneous, incorrect, wrong) matching of knee high socks and stockings seen on the streets.

i do think knee high socks are fine... 

when worn by high school kids as part of their fashion statements uniforms, and when women are playing soccer...

but not as part of everyday shopping attire!

especially if you are over the age of 30, and shopping in zara at Ngee Ann City ... with a lilac coloured hello kitty tote bag!

and can anyone tell me what is with the flower-power of a dress?!

perhaps that is why she was shopping for an outfit?

but the icing topped my cake today when i ventured further down the streets as i spotted a black, white and denim ensemble that reminded me so much of the encounter at city plaza.

as seen along the streets further down orchard road outside OG, 12th January 2008

no wonder that outfit has distressed minnie.

If Katherine Mcphee couldn't pull it off, what makes anyone think they could?!

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