Monday 9 February 2009

All hail to nails

it is not difficult to understand why some women look up to Empress Ci Xi since she was the de facto ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty for 48 years.

yet when some women attempt to emulate her in terms of her style which dates back to the late 1800s... (read: ancient)...

or taking a leaf out of traditional Thai dancers...

it can be both frustrating and just plain scary...

photo taken by Shoppingholic at the taxi stand of Vivocity on 4th February 2009

at first glance, this was just a really bad choice of an attire.

with an overly pink trench coat and brown suede boots.

but when i got closer and realised that she could not keep her hands of her man-friend, i could not resist.

photo taken by Shoppingholic at the taxi stand of Vivocity on 4th February 2009

i could not figure out what the red long sleeved thing with that pink bow was about...  as well as the gold bag that had a bear dangling from the bag as an accessory.

and she had nails to match her outfit...

nails at a length which could spell bad hygiene and championing at cat fights.

but long fingernails can be a fashion statement, and something that i can understand if not for the nail art that is applied.

long toenails on the other hand... (with pun completely intended)

photo taken by the-smelly-one during lunch at Still Road on 2nd February 2009

the only conclusion that i can draw from this is that she either doesn't exercise or just does yoga or pilates. 

because i can not imagine the pain of wearing sneakers on the treadmill with those nails.

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