Tuesday 8 June 2010

Poncho Honcho

There must be a reason why Betty in the "Ugly Betty" series is ridiculed for her dress sense at Mode.

It could obviously be because she turned up for her first day at work dressed as below...

But no matter how hideous that outfit seems, there are people that still don't hesitate to emulate that trend 3652 miles away from New York City, USA, in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Seen in the shops of Bijenkorf on a Saturday afternoon, whilst the weather was still slightly chilly, and did call for layers of clothing... this was spied...

29th May 2010: Even the salesgirl is speechless. De Bijenkorf, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Typically, i would highlight what was disastrous, but then again, the whole outfit is... just like from the television series, i thought i'd leave it intact... bag, shoes, poncho, hair and ALL.

Sunday 7 June 2009

Forever Young

Editor's Update: Its been a good four months since i've opened up Photoshop for any editing. With a brand new focus in life... look out for pictures in the future depicting not only mish-mashed Singaporeans, but foreign "delights"!

For the best effect, it is recommended that this youtube video is played while you are reading the following entry...

As age "catches up" with me, i realise that there are certain hairstyles, hem lines, outfits and even behaviour that simply does not sit well with the entire package.

I can also understand why my mother picks out brightly coloured clothing with lace trims and the likes which exudes girlish delight.

Often, changing how one looks or dresses would be the easiest or quickest way out if people are in denial.

though, it might not be the most painless way out for people that turn to "professional help" - botox, facelifts, implants. and the following prove why "professional help" isn't always the best best way out.

1. Janet Jackson and Vivica Fox

Looks like they share the same plastic surgeon with the same dent in the right boob

2. Melanie Griffith Before and After

and she is only in her 50s

3. What about Tranny-Spice... oops.. i mean Scary-Spice.

~Picture from Awful Plastic Surgery

Other bad decisions in life include...

24th February 2009: In a store at Millenia Walk... PRINCESS?! 

7th February 2009: In a store at Milennia - heading for kindergarten classes after?

or even when you are at an age when youthful elements in dressing are forgiveable... too much of a good thing can often backfire.

15th February 2009: At Tanah Merah MRT 

Perhaps maturing gracefully and naturally is never an option for some, but dressing and behaving all "cutsey-pie" can be awfully off-putting. 

Monday 9 February 2009

All hail to nails

it is not difficult to understand why some women look up to Empress Ci Xi since she was the de facto ruler of the Manchu Qing Dynasty for 48 years.

yet when some women attempt to emulate her in terms of her style which dates back to the late 1800s... (read: ancient)...

or taking a leaf out of traditional Thai dancers...

it can be both frustrating and just plain scary...

photo taken by Shoppingholic at the taxi stand of Vivocity on 4th February 2009

at first glance, this was just a really bad choice of an attire.

with an overly pink trench coat and brown suede boots.

but when i got closer and realised that she could not keep her hands of her man-friend, i could not resist.

photo taken by Shoppingholic at the taxi stand of Vivocity on 4th February 2009

i could not figure out what the red long sleeved thing with that pink bow was about...  as well as the gold bag that had a bear dangling from the bag as an accessory.

and she had nails to match her outfit...

nails at a length which could spell bad hygiene and championing at cat fights.

but long fingernails can be a fashion statement, and something that i can understand if not for the nail art that is applied.

long toenails on the other hand... (with pun completely intended)

photo taken by the-smelly-one during lunch at Still Road on 2nd February 2009

the only conclusion that i can draw from this is that she either doesn't exercise or just does yoga or pilates. 

because i can not imagine the pain of wearing sneakers on the treadmill with those nails.

Thursday 29 January 2009

underwear is meant to be worn UNDERNEATH

it just seems that women in singapore are adamant on displaying their intimate apparel to full glory.

following the revealing outfits of previous entries of...

its astonishing what outfits some people can come up with to show what undies they wear.

photo by the-smelly-one at Spinelli's of Heeren on 12th January 2009

despite carrying a limited edition Louis Vuitton bag, which i'd have to admit was pretty much of a disaster despite the price tag.

i'm not sure why you would want the world to know that you are wearing a red bra. 

oh... maybe that was the entire point?


or how, you want people to know you are wearing undies with granma lace?

photo by Shoppingholic at border's bistro on 28th January 2009

though nothing quite beats what was witnessed on the first day of Chinese New Year. 

photo by the-smelly-one at the Night Safari on 26th January 2009

yes... we were at the Night Safari.

i do not understand why anyone would wear an outfit like that to a tourist attraction where mild trekking or extensive walking is involved.

at first the only thing that caught my eye was the dress falling off her back and revealing her very unflattering white strapless bra.

when i uploaded the picture on photoshop... 

i was aghast to realise that the outfit had asymetrical tails that revealed that lace pattern of her dress.... and her skin... 


then there was the anklet which i believe should only be worn by babies...

and the transparent bra straps that are showing and holding up the bra.

*blinks in disbelief#

she looked like she was dressed for some wedding dinner party.

i didn't know that there were animals getting married at the Night Safari.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Hairy Expectations

pet owners sometimes do horrendous and extremely inexcusable things to their pets...

In 2006, Sandra Hartness decided to groom her poodle, Cindy, into a peacock at a grooming competition.

and the following year... a ninja turtle that she decided to name "Leonardoodle".

or this creation when Cindy was transformed into a... CHICKEN?!

or in 2005 as a... dragon?

i sternly believe that pet owners that subject their pets to any unnecessary colouring of any sort should just try it on themselves and see how it feels!

maybe this explains why the subject below was seen with her hair colour such a terrifying shade of blonde and with a haircut distinct of a breed standard of a poodle.

seen on the mrt by shoppingholic on 18th January 2008

yet, honestly... it is not an excuse to turn up on the streets honestly looking like a poodle.

or not understand that when you have coloured your hair, and when your true colours have taken over your hairstyle, you know its time to book an appointment with your hair stylists.

taken by shoppingholic on the way to work on #195 on 22nd January 2008

also mary poppins was popular in 2 decades back... she wore a hat constantly and was stylish and fashionable...

~picture from The Journey

and most importantly, because the hat fit her head because when it doesn't... you end up looking like this...

taken by shoppingholic on the streets outside heeren on 12th January 2008

and last but not least... and ofcourse i understand that temperatures can be unbearable in singapore, and that is why i tie my long tresses up... but when a MAN with hairs that have the length probably equivalent to that of his pits, ties his hair up... it is honestly just beyond me.

spotted by shoppingholic along the streets outside heeren on 12th January 2008

simply because during chinese new year... he simply reminds me of this...

the young lads that signify wealth and prosperity

and on that note to all the readers out there...

a very happy chinese new year with best wishes of good health and great wealth.

Monday 12 January 2009

Mambo Jambo

there is a reason why zouk has mambo jambo nights on wednesdays ONLY.

like music, past memories can be nostalgic and bring back fond memories, but some things should best be left in the past.

leg warmers once so popular in the 80s, for example, are worn in winter... 

because even the above celebrities can't exactly pull it off without looking dowdy.

so why does one think that it should be worn in Singapore?!

for it definitely wasn't cold that night along the streets outside of Heeren on the 10th January 2009. 

but even so... leg warmers are the least of my concerns with the ever increasing salah (read: Erroneous, incorrect, wrong) matching of knee high socks and stockings seen on the streets.

i do think knee high socks are fine... 

when worn by high school kids as part of their fashion statements uniforms, and when women are playing soccer...

but not as part of everyday shopping attire!

especially if you are over the age of 30, and shopping in zara at Ngee Ann City ... with a lilac coloured hello kitty tote bag!

and can anyone tell me what is with the flower-power of a dress?!

perhaps that is why she was shopping for an outfit?

but the icing topped my cake today when i ventured further down the streets as i spotted a black, white and denim ensemble that reminded me so much of the encounter at city plaza.

as seen along the streets further down orchard road outside OG, 12th January 2008

no wonder that outfit has distressed minnie.

If Katherine Mcphee couldn't pull it off, what makes anyone think they could?!

Wednesday 7 January 2009

with legs wiiiiiiiiide open

coming from an all girls' school at one point of my life, the girls in school were frequently reminded that they should sit with their legs closed even if they were wearing shorts when in the canteen.

i only realised very much later in life that people are always looking, when you very least expect them to.

these days i would not hesitate to cringe at...
  • the mere sight of men and women sitting with one leg shaking to high heavens.
  • how women didn't seem to think that bushy armpits would be something that should not be displayed so unconditionally in sleeveless tops.
  • passers-by that seem to be oblivious that the entire world is watching as they dig their noses.

    image from Two Pork Rolls

  • men AND women squating by the roadside as if one is about to relieve oneself.

    captured by the-smelly-one along the streets of geylang on christmas eve 2008

  • women tweezing eyebrows and facial hairs in public as i witnessed at the cafe of Ikea in Beijing a few years ago and was completely aghast.
and the list goes on...

so imagine my horror when i came across the following yesterday along the walkways between Takashimaya and Wisma Atria.

bunched up ankle high stockings that were not the same skin tone, and white bra straps that screamed at me beneath her bright red chilli spaghetti top, and she was wearing lip colour that matched her top.

but the best has yet to come...

i had to will every single cell in my body not to burst out laughing when the following ensued.

having to be discreet as i was directly opposite her, i had to use my phone camera and pretend to be smsing whilst she proceeded to take off her stockings in full view of everyone, whilst her companion proceeded to either pluck her eyebrows or draw them. 

next she massaged her feet and took out her nail clipper for her exhibitionistic single footed pedicure, and her partner carried on to the next eyebrow.

and having attained relief from the foot massage and the single footed express pedicure, she put her stocking back on and went on to air it.

and throughout the entire half hour, she and her companions seemed to be screaming at each other in conversation. 

it was as if there was a fight that would ensue, and i just simply did not understand the necessity to talk at that volume because they were just next to each other.

*rolls eyes#

i'm sure other things could be worse... what are your experiences?