Sunday 25 January 2009

Hairy Expectations

pet owners sometimes do horrendous and extremely inexcusable things to their pets...

In 2006, Sandra Hartness decided to groom her poodle, Cindy, into a peacock at a grooming competition.

and the following year... a ninja turtle that she decided to name "Leonardoodle".

or this creation when Cindy was transformed into a... CHICKEN?!

or in 2005 as a... dragon?

i sternly believe that pet owners that subject their pets to any unnecessary colouring of any sort should just try it on themselves and see how it feels!

maybe this explains why the subject below was seen with her hair colour such a terrifying shade of blonde and with a haircut distinct of a breed standard of a poodle.

seen on the mrt by shoppingholic on 18th January 2008

yet, honestly... it is not an excuse to turn up on the streets honestly looking like a poodle.

or not understand that when you have coloured your hair, and when your true colours have taken over your hairstyle, you know its time to book an appointment with your hair stylists.

taken by shoppingholic on the way to work on #195 on 22nd January 2008

also mary poppins was popular in 2 decades back... she wore a hat constantly and was stylish and fashionable...

~picture from The Journey

and most importantly, because the hat fit her head because when it doesn't... you end up looking like this...

taken by shoppingholic on the streets outside heeren on 12th January 2008

and last but not least... and ofcourse i understand that temperatures can be unbearable in singapore, and that is why i tie my long tresses up... but when a MAN with hairs that have the length probably equivalent to that of his pits, ties his hair up... it is honestly just beyond me.

spotted by shoppingholic along the streets outside heeren on 12th January 2008

simply because during chinese new year... he simply reminds me of this...

the young lads that signify wealth and prosperity

and on that note to all the readers out there...

a very happy chinese new year with best wishes of good health and great wealth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i pity the poodle for having to put up with those horrible grooming designs.